‘Revival’ and Revival

Singing hymns and bringing in the sheaves
Under church-lawn tent unbent by the rain;
Grains of convictions sown, shown in faces
With grace preached and taught, salvation
Bought by the precious blood of the Lamb
Slain ere the world began to gain salvation
For lost souls, tossed about in this world
Of pain and stain of sin; promises promised
Of beginning again ~ again ~ just like before
When the people heard the very same Word
And cried their tears near the wooden altar,
But would they falter this year just as before
As they ignore the real transformation that
Ought to occur in real genuine consecration
That leads to radical alteration of existence
In persistence of authentic life that is lived
On in the home, workplace and community
In unity of the one Spirit, who reconciles
And reforms, reveals and heals; who calls
And fundamentally changes all in all from
Inside out and all about… Will this be real

Note: Inspired by “Revival” by The River Walk

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