The Self-Righteous Pharisee (Four-Fold Haiku)

You can’t understand
Because you’re not where I am
But you make demands

What the Lord commands
All wrapped tightly in your mind
Put me in a bind

You are so righteous
You’ve never faced what I have
But you think you know

All for one grand show
You issue blow upon blow
But you just don’t know

Unmerry Christmas from the Lonely

Unmerry Christmas from the Lonely

Listen and we won’t tarry long on your merry Christmas day;
We just wanted to remind you that this day of holiday cheer
Is often one of the most drear and lonely for the isolated souls,
Those with empty bowls and holes in their roofs . . .
If they have roofs, and this is proof of their poverty,
Not only in deprivation of material goods but in personal care
As they sit in an old chair somewhere out there – alone, lonely
Can you, will you hear their cry as you eat your Christmas pie?
Not to keep you long, we just wanted you to know that some
People feel like they don’t belong and, of course, they’re wrong
But how will they know unless you show them someone cares?
Now, merry Christmas to you and yours . . .
Just remember, please, what you’ve read!


Returning to Your Vomit

Dogs return to their vomit, as the proverb says, and you to your poisoned well
To sell your soul once again for a bowl of rancid stew you knew would be foul;
And so you make yourself sick once again and begin again your trek to death,
Smelling the foul breath of the wraith who serves you from his black cauldron;
Will you ever learn and turn away from the sickness ‘n thickness of darkness?
How can it be that you’re still addicted to the demon after being so convicted?
God will not keep applying grace when you’re not trying but lying to yourself!
Yes, indeed, dogs return to their vomit and you to your perverse poisoned well
How long? Oh, how long until you realize who you are and where you belong?
But for now . . . for now you feed your very soul from the bowl of rancid stew!

Throw Off the Chains and be Free

Oh, now that you realize you cannot have the ‘he’ you wanted in me,
You cannot see beyond the ghastly trees that populate your forest;
Now you have determined to bind your heart, mind and very soul
To solitude in which you will brood for the rest of your life, and why?
Because you feel bound to culture and traditions that sound foolish!
If you have come to the One who won your soul, hear what he says:
‘If the Son set you free, then you are free indeed!’ So, then, be free!
Throw off the chains and shackles of the perdition of silly tradition!
Oh, be free, and spread your wings and fly high into the azure sky!
Be free and at complete liberty . . . This is your one and true destiny!

The One I Cannot Be

You wanted what I cannot give as long as I live:
Dreams and desires and the rich cream of life;
You wanted to be my wife and fairytale queen,
And I was not mean as I tried to wean you off,
But when I came clean you were heartbroken!
And now my heart, too, breaks into tiny parts;
But you wanted me to be the One who is One,
And I cannot take His place in the pace of life;
No, I cannot offer you the full Life He proffers,
Though you don’t understand, but the demand
Is just too high for me to reach and your speech
Sweetly given cannot enliven me to such a task!
You wanted what I cannot give as long as I live:
Dreams and desires and the rich cream of life. . .
But only the One who is Life can give you Life!
Wed yourself to Him first and burst with joy,
And then He will freely give all you need to live!

Living in Christ-Confidence

In humility we will not stand for ourselves,
But this brand of false humility will have us
Keel over and kneel to shirts, ties and skirts;
Yes, this strand of ‘holy’ self-depreciation
Will have us loathing ourselves and clothing
Ourselves in sackcloth and ashes, bending
Our knee to everyone we see because here
There is also fear, and people sneer at us,
Talk down to us, too, and walk all over us
And we balk at the idea of any confidence
As if that would be defiance against God!
But while we may not be wild,
We are a child of the Lord God,
And we should be meek ‘n mild,
But surely not weak and defiled!
We do have the right to hold our heads high
Through each day and night, dark and light,
Without arrogance but certainly in elegance!
And sing boldly that we are heirs of the King,
And this should bring strength to our hearts
And fill the holes in our souls . . .
We are called to humility, not self-humiliation;
We are called to meekness, but not weakness;
We are called to respect, but not self-neglect;
God intends us to be all He has made us to be,
And that is surely more than an irritating flea!

Note: This poem was prompted by my previous blog-post,Noble Epistle to Dear Siblings in Christ.”

Somehow: Life Worth Living

Somehow I can see your shining face full of grace
Beyond the stretch marks of pain and sadness
Etched on your eyes . . .
Somehow I can hear laughter beyond your sighs
And singing from high spirits bringing joy to others,
All sisters and brothers . . .
Somehow I can sense deep contentment in place
Of resentment in refreshment of your lovely soul
Free to stroll thru dreams . . .

As your burdens press your down,
And all of the cares of life distress,
Your path grows weary and long,
And you feel as if you don’t belong,
Please know you are not alone,
Though tossed ‘n turned and blown;
There is an Eye that sees, and One
To Whom your name is known!

Somehow I can now see victory in place of defeat
Beyond the battles you fight with foes you meet,
And you’re standing on your feet . . .

No, no, you are not alone, though harsh winds blow,
And the sun will rise again, his beautiful face to show
And you will know tis not time to quit but to grow;
No matter how low the valley now and slow the pace,
There is grace to go on, and love flows from above
To save you from the grave, for death is no answer,
But the Breath of Life into your own invaluable life!

Note: I did not realize until late yesterday (Saturday) that September 10th was/is Suicide Prevention Day. (And if I’m wrong about this, please excuse me.) However, this poem is written for all of the wonderfully unique and valuable individuals who face the horrid monster of suicidal ideation (thoughts, tendencies.) And you are unique and valuable! For more information, please take time to visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention or the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

Trading Places … Thankfully!

For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3. 3  ESV)

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  (Galatians 2. 20  ESV)

If my life is now hidden with Christ in the heavenlies, and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in and through me, then this means that in every situation that arises in my life I am not facing that situation alone, in and of myself. In fact, if St. Paul be taken literally, it is actually Christ Jesus facing whatever situation in and through me.

Today,  I especially have to remind myself of this awesome truth because I am currently facing what seems to be a rather desperate situation. I am facing something that seems to be unsolvable. Humanly speaking, it would be an understatement to say I’m “between a rock and a hard place…” but this is humanly speaking. 

The truth — divine Truth — is that I am not facing an unsolvable, overly-difficult situation. Christ Jesus, my Lord and Redeemer, is facing this situation with me, and not only with me but within me and through me. Therefore, I can and, in fact, need to remind myself that “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4. 13  ESV) And, of course, “what is impossible for mortals is possible with God.” (Luke 18. 27  NRSV)

So with the Psalmist I cry out in confidence, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121. 1-2  ESV) Amen and Amen.

Precious Morning Reminders

As I was praying and meditating this morning, a few simple but profound truths came to my mind as precious reminders from God, who whispered to my heart:

  1. You are my child, saved by my grace through my gift of faith, and filled with my Spirit. I am your Father, and so…
  2. You have nothing to fear. My perfect love casts out all fear, and fills you with My peace and joy … yes, beyond what the world can give, and even during times of trial and tribulation and uncertainty, which means…
  3. You can always be certain of Me. You can trust Me and rest in Me. Follow Me and I will never lead you astray… Just follow and obey, and do not fret about the future, because…
  4. As the old saying goes, you may not know what the future holds, but you know who holds the future, and this is absolutely true … and you know who holds you, too, which means…
  5. You are never alone, my child, because I am always with you and within you. Together we walk through the day that I have made, and I will not leave you nor forsake you. In fact…
  6. I have great plans for you, if only you will trust Me and not try to do things on your own, and make your own way. Trust Me, follow my lead, and believe in the dreams I have for you. Okay? Now…
  7. Share these precious reminders with your brothers and sisters in Christ, because someone out there needs to be reminded today, just like you! I love you … and I love them, too!

God bless you all!